工業文化遺產: 蒸汽機車 Industrial Heritage – Steam Locomotives

類型:歷史文化紀錄片(4K UHD)





本片將以4K UHD超高解析的畫質視野,帶您飽覽中國的蒸汽機車與氣壯山河的鐵道風光。在經棚車站搭乘前進型蒸汽機車、穿越司明義大橋,或坐上嘉陽小火車,沿著蜿蜒的鐵路,眺望絢爛的油菜花田,再次體會歷史與記憶的衝擊與震撼。


Industrial Heritage – Steam Locomotives

Language: Chinese

Duration: 50 mins

Episodes: 22

Genre: Documentary (4K UHD)


   Steam locomotives, the greatest invention of the 18th century, had once accelerated the pace of transportation during the First Industrial Revolution. Due to demand for better and faster ground transport in modern world, steam locomotives have been replaced with trains propelled by diesel and electricity power. In late 20th century, steam locomotives were mostly retired. China, the last exporter of large steam locomotives, is not inferior to Russia or the United States for its development and dependence on steam locomotives. For examples, the JiTong Railway stretching across Inner Mongolia applied steam locomotives before 2005. Besides, the Bajiaogou-Shixi Railway was used to deliver supplies and coal in the last century. After the coal mine was closed, the narrow-gauge JiaYang steam train became an important transportation vehicle for residents along its route. Now it also becomes a sightseeing train for visitors.

   The program, “Industrial Heritage – Steam Locomotives”, is produced to create such a unique ultra experience in 4K resolution, and to present the steam locomotives with the most breathtaking railway scenery in China. While steam engines have faded away from people’s memory, let’s go to Jingpeng station and take QJ, the largest type of standard steam locomotive in China, to run through famous Si-Ming-Yi Bridge. Or choosing to take a tour by the old-fashioned JiaYang steam train to enjoy the beautiful scenery of terraced field and brilliant canola fields in the remote mountains!

語言:中文 長度:50分鐘x22集 類型:歷史文化紀錄片(4K UHD) 內容簡介: 雄偉的蒸汽機車,承載著工…